
number crunching meaning in English



  1. International living uses statistics from a number of official government , non - profit , and media sources for much of the number crunching
  2. International living uses statistics from a number of official government , non - profit , and media sources for much of the number crunching
  3. Benchmarks among the three contenders are a mixed bag , but all three chips obtain quite similar performance all are remarkably fast , and suitable for intensive number crunching applications
    尽管三个竞争者采用各自不同的基准,但所有这三种芯片却获得了相差无几的性能(都很快,适用于对数字运算要求较高的应用) 。
  4. An application for a computational grid devoted to high - performance number crunching or a data grid devoted to making large amounts of stored data available to users is easier to design or enable than an application for a scavenging grid
  5. Digital computing performance has improved 10 , 000 - fold in the past two decades : what took a year of number crunching in 1983 takes less than an hour nowadays , and a desktop computer from that era can ' t match the processing power of one of today ' s handheld organizers
    数位运算效能在过去20年中提升了一万倍: 1983年时需耗费一年才能处理完毕的数据,如今不到一小时就可解决;在那个年代的桌上型电脑所具有的处理能力,甚至还比不上今天的掌上型电脑。

Related Words

  1. crunch
  2. crunch crunch
  3. sternal crunch
  4. crunch seal
  5. credit crunch
  6. crunch time
  7. ab crunch
  8. critter crunch
  9. xiphosternal crunch
  10. crunching numbers
  11. number crunchel
  12. number cruncher
  13. number crunching function
  14. number cutter
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